


an EMISI Company 


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Contact email:




Responsible: EMISI FZCA




By judgement of
12 May 1998, the Regional Court of Hamburg ruled that one could not be
the contents of the linked site, if applicable, with the
has to answer for. According to the Regional Court, this can only be prevented by
expressly distances itself from this content.


On the pages
The 5Compliance website contains links to other sites on the Internet.
The following applies to all these links: 5Compliance declares
expressly state that they have no influence on the design and contents of the
of the linked pages.


5Compliance hereby expressly dissociates itself from all
contents of all linked pages on this homepage and makes these
Contents not to own.


This declaration
applies to all links displayed on this homepage and to all contents of the
Pages to which banners, buttons and links visible here lead.


automated query of our databases by software scripts or
comparable mechanisms is not permitted without our consent. We refer
in doing so, also to Par. 303a StGB Data Alteration:


unlawfully deletes, renders unusable or alters data (Par.202a Abs.2),
shall be punishable by a custodial sentence not exceeding two years or by a monetary penalty. The
Attempt is punishable.


As well as par. 303b
StGB Computer sabotage:


Who has a
Data processing that is carried out for a third party business, a third party company, or
an authority of essential importance, by interfering with an act of
according to Par. 303a para. 1 or uses a data processing system or a
destroys, damages, renders unusable, removes or alters data media,
is punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years or a fine. The
Attempt is punishable.


In particular
we also refer to the decision of 25.08.2000 - Az. 19 U 2/00 - of the OLG
Cologne, which grants us "virtual domiciliary rights" to avoid disturbances,
which we make use of if necessary.


Data Protection Officer:

You can reach the data protection officer at: info (a) 5compliance . com